Snowrunner gets PS5 and series s | x
_SNOWRunner _press the last day of May towards Xbox Series S | X and PlayStation 5 consoles. The power of the new console scrap is displayed at least in the 4K accuracy and 60 seconds in seconds. PlayStation 5's DualSense controller for at least haptic trigger feedback. If the game is owned by the previous generation of masses, it may update to new devices without any additional charges.
Trailer can look at the end of the news.
SNOWRunner is available in addition to the previously mentioned devices for PC and Switch.
More about:
* Truck's smile not Hyydy - reviewed Snowrunner (PS4)
* Snowrunner takes players from muddy forests to snowy and ice scenery
- Snowrunner's spacing, but above all, snowy nature is presented with a new video
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